Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Free Climate Change Posters ---ORDER NOW!

The Government of Canada through C-CIARN (Canadian-Climate Impacts and Adaptation Research Network) has created a set of five posters (in French and English) describing how Canadians can adapt to living in a changing climate. These will be available in July 2007.

Each one represents a different sector of Canadian life: Agriculture, Coastal Zones, Forests, Health, and Water Resources. The high quality posters (26" x 39") are designed to appeal to a general audience. If interested, send a reply email with the order form below filled in and return no later than May 31/07.

Please pass on this announcement to anyone else you think might be interested in having these posters. If you have further questions, contact:

Dr. Ellen Wall []
Co-ordinator, C-CIARN Agriculture
Canadian Climate Impacts and Adaptation Research Network for Agriculture
Blackwood Hall (Room 202)
University of Guelph
Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1

Phone: 519 824 4120 ext 58480
Fax: 519 763 4686

Send orders to:
Mireille Lapensée [] Co-ordinator Assistant, C-CIARN Agriculture (Canadian Climate Impacts and Adaptation Research Network for Agriculture) Blackwood Hall (Room 202) University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1

=== === === === === ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== CLIMATE CHANGE POSTER ORDER FORM


Agriculture: ____ # of English posters
Agriculture: ____ # of French posters

Coastal Zones: ____ # of English posters Coastal Zones: ____ # of French posters

Forests: ____ # of English posters
Forests: ____ # of French posters

Health: ____ # of English posters
Health: ____ # of French posters

Water Resources: ____ # of English posters Water Resources: ____ # of French posters

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ramiro Burr: climate change song

Ramiro Burr: Rubio CD rocks more, shifts styles
San Antonio Express - San Antonio,TX,USA
Rubio raises the environmental flag on "Ayudame," a bubbly pop-rock song on which she pleads for help in reducing world climate change. ...

Friday, May 18, 2007

From Grist: Madonna environment song

Madonna releases single to support Live Earth climate efforts

What is it about climate change that makes music ... suck? First we had Melissa Etheridge's "I Need to Wake Up," the earnest, Oscar-winning "Inconvenient Truth" anthem. Now we have Madonna's "Hey You," a somnolent single released this week in conjunction with Live Earth, the continents-spanning climate-awareness concerts planned for 7/7/07. While we can't complain about our favorite virgin's intentions -- the single is downloadable for free for a week, and Microsoft is donating 25 cents for each of the first million downloads to the Alliance for Climate Protection -- we can complain about her music. Because its vapid lyrics and "stripped-down, folksy" style suuuuck. Still, Live Earth's Kevin Wall called the release of the ballad, which Madge will perform at the London concert, "an incredible boost to our efforts to get people engaged in the environmental cause." And you should go download it! To support climate relief! Plus you might love it! In which case, ignore everything else we just said.

straight to the source: Reuters, 18 May 2007

straight to the source: E! Online, Sarah Hall, 17 May 2007

see also, in Gristmill: The latest Live Earth news

straight to the song: Free download of "Hey You"


Also in GRIST:

God of Small Things. An interview with underground foodie hero Sandor Katz.

Murdoch, She Wrote. An interview with Rupert Murdoch about News Corp.'s new climate strategy.

Lady, Bugged. Umbra advises on fighting pests with pests.


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Friday, May 11, 2007

Download a free copy of Green Teacher magazine!

Download a free copy of Green Teacher magazine!

To celebrate the launch of an electronic edition of Green Teacher, we invite you to download a free copy of the Winter 2006-2007 edition of our non-profit magazine. Please share the following website URL (address) with your friends and colleagues.

(Please note that this issue can be freely downloaded until July 1st, 2007.)

Initially, we created an online edition to better serve our overseas readers, who could receive Green Teacher earlier and pay less than subscribers to the print version. But many readers in Canada and the United States have told us that they prefer the electronic edition because each issue is searchable and the hot-links provide readers with quick access to additional information about a topic or new educational resources mentioned in that issue. So we’ve also decided to offer dual subscriptions, so that readers can enjoy the advantages of both versions for a few dollars more.

As a small non-profit, we ask that you encourage your friends and colleagues to subscribe so that we can continue to publish Green Teacher. For ordering details about online, print or dual subscriptions, please visit

Now, here is a summary of what you will find in Green Teacher 80, our Winter 2006-07 edition.

The Start of Something Big: Environmental Education in China
China faces enormous environmental challenges, but until recently most environmental education initiatives were organized by governments and were intended more for publicity than educational purposes. In the last few years, non-profit organizations have seized the opportunity to develop many successful educational programs that offer a glimmer of hope for China and for the world. Australia’s Jane Sayers describes several of these programs and their impact.

Last Child in the Woods? Treating nature-deficit disorder at a high school winter camp
full-immersion winter camp in Canada's far north provides an life-changing experience with the elements and has a positive resonance with the wider community. Claude Doucette, David Kowalewski and Peggy Ransom describe the week-long camp and argue that outdoor education needs to expose young people to our harshest weather in order to develop a respect and enthusiasm for spending time in the natural world.

Making It Up As We Go Along

Tricia Edgar describes the role of pretend games in early environmental education and many of her favourite activities.

Getting Fresh with Farm-to-School Programs

By making direct connections between growers and schools, farm-to-school programs provide local markets for family farmers and healthier food choices for schoolchildren. Marion Kalb explores how these programs work best and introduces us to state-wide initiatives in Wisconsin, New York and Pennsylvania.

Social Justice and Language Arts
Christopher Greenslate shows how the language arts curriculum offers unlimited opportunities for teachers and students to make connections with current social and global issues.

Discovering Lake Management: Getting Students' Feet Wet
Teaching about lake management is an exciting way of getting students interested in the environment. Matthew Opdyke provides hands-on opportunities for students of all ages to learn about the biology and chemistry of lakes.

Growing Art in School Gardens
Hilary Inwood describes how school gardens can provide the inspiration, supply cupboard, and exhibition space for students' art.

And here is a list of educational resources that are reviewed in the Resources section of the Winter issue:

Cultivating Compassion (curriculum books & DVD)
Adbusters Media Empowerment Kit (includes binder, poster & DVD)
Birdsong and Coffee (DVD)
Great Lakes in my World (large paperback, K-8)
Change the World for Ten Bucks (pb)
Global Kidz Curriculum (Grades 4-5 curriculum binder)

The Goat Lady (hardcover children’s book)
What Do Roots Do? (hardcover book)
Professor Noggin's Life in the Ocean card game
Operation Thistle: Seeds of Despair (Grades 6-8 curriculum binder)
Mouse in a Meadow (hardcover children’s book)
On The Day You Were Born (hardcover children’s book)
Dig Your Hands in the Dirt (paperback)
A Mind with Wings (hardcover children’s book)
Animal Rescue series (paperback books)
Super Size Me (DVD w Grades 6-12 curriculum)

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Songs for EE in the News, May 2007

Earth Day Venture Turns Green With Synergy
Newindpress on Sunday - India
Exactly how Dave Stewart, co-founder of the 1980s pop supergroup the
Eurythmics, came to launch a new multimedia venture with the
environmental crusaders of ...
See all stories on this topic

Environmental Month winners proclaimed
Saipan Tribune - Saipan,Northern Mariana Islands,Micronesia
Logo Contest winners were: Grace Christian Academy's
Charis Lopez, first place; Saipan Community School's So Jung Song,
second place; and MCS Ann Gelica ...
See all stories on this topic