Thursday, February 16, 2006

Tom Chapin releases more environmental songs

Check out a review here: Two great CDs for the 8 to 10 set:
Tom's website:

From the text of this review..."But the one that reaches out and grabs me every time is 'Walk the World Now, Children.' It features Dan Zanes with New York's Pilgrim Baptist Choir and the press release calls it a 'moving environmental anthem' that 'feels like an old folk classic.' I couldn't agree more.The first verse sets the tone:
Walk the world now, children. Walk it now with me.
Walk the world now, children. Walk it now with me.
Walk the world now, children, treat it lovingly,
And the world will last forever and a day.

Other verses include 'drink the water, breathe the air, work the land' and follow the same lyrical format. "

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